Wendy Brown-Baez
Writing for Healing: words to light our way

Workshops and Circles 2025

Join us to share favorite poems, your own or published poets.
We’ll read round robin style, taking turns around the circle, sharing what the words mean to us. Tolstoy said, “Art is transferring feeling from one heart to another." Tea, cookies, and conversation.
Our theme for February will be love and compassion.
Fridays Feb 21 and Mar 21 | 7 - 8:30 PM | in person RPUCC Heritage Hall
Unity's temporary home is at 4200 Lake Dr Rd Robbinsdale
Love offering welcomed or share what you can
Please register here: Poetry in the Round
Spiritual Journaling: Finding the Holy in the Ordinary: Contemplative Writing Practice
We will write together in order to nurture self-expression, self-reflection and self-compassion. Each session begins with mindfulness practice followed by inspirational words from spiritual teachings and contemporary poetry. Journaling practice does not require previous writing experience.
Third Tuesdays of the month 6:30-8:00 PM CST
Feb 18 is the next class
This class is only via Zoom and offered on a love offering basis with a suggested love offering of $15-20 or share what you can.
You must register to get the Zoom link! www.unityminneapolis.org

Being Present with Grief | 7:00--8:00 PM in person on the third Monday of every month at Unity Minneapolis' temporary location at Robbinsdale Parkway United Church of Christ. We use ritual, inspirational writings, silence, and sharing as ways to be together as we journey through any type of grief: loss of loved one, a pet, a job, a home, an ability, or a dream. Love offerings are welcomed.
Feb 17, March 17, April 21
4200 Lake Road Dr Robbinsdale MN

Community spaces where I have facilitated writing workshops
Pathways: A Healing Center
Westminster Presbyterian Church
Wisdom Ways Center for Spirituality
The Aliveness Project
Harriet Tubman
Face to Face Academy Charter High School
El Colegio High School
Bridge for Youth
Shingle Creek Commons
Banfill Locke Center for the Arts
Lennox Community Center
Saint Paul Almanac
Eastside Freedom Library
Minneapolis Central Library
Walker Branch Hennepin Library
Saint Louis Park library
NE Wellness
Healing Elements
Santa Fe Community Yoga
Black Dog Cafe
Opposable Thumbs Books
Eat My Words Books
Amazon Bookstore Co-operative
Women & Spirituality Conference
Bay to Ocean Writers Festival
Madeline Island Celebration of Women
Celebrate Yourself Women's Retreat
All About the Journey
Resource Center of the Americas
Springhouse Spiritual Center
Wellstone Center
UMN Oncology Ward
Abbot Northwestern Hosptial
Saint Louis Park Friends of the Arts
Elephant Rock
Youngstown Lit Festival
Jacob's Well
Rosemount Writer’s Festival
CHOICE staff development
Split This Rock Poetry Festival